Convict Djoko Susilo Submits Second PK to the Supreme Court

Jakarta, Hilton News

Former Head of Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of Police Headquarters who was convicted of SIM simulator corruption case Irjen Djoko Susilo filed a second Judicial Review (PK) to the Supreme Court (MA).

Reporting from the Supreme Court Registrar’s page, Djoko registered a PK on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. The case, registered with number: 756 PK/Pid.Sus/2024, has been distributed on Monday, May 20, 2024. Djoko took Gloria Tamba as a legal representative.

“Status: in the process of examining the assembly,” as reported from the Supreme Court Registrar’s page.

The case was tried by the chairman of the second PK panel, Suharto, with judges Ansori, Sinintha Yuliansih Sibarani, Jupriyadi, and Prim Haryadi. Registrar in lieu of Bayuardi.

It is not yet known what Djoko’s request was in this second PK. Previously, the Supreme Court granted Djoko’s first PK request limited to seized assets. The corporal punishment remains 18 years in prison.

The Supreme Court granted the replacement money to IDR 32 billion calculated with the auction proceeds of the convict’s assets.

The wealth obtained before the corruption case was returned to the convict.

In addition, the Supreme Court also revised Djoko’s political disenfranchisement to five years, starting from the time the person concerned got out of prison. Sitting as chairman of the first PK panel, Suhadi with member judges Krisna Harahap and Sofyan Sitompul.


[Image:HN Video]

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