Only Hardworking and Smart Can Survive

Jakarta, Hilton News

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said the future of the Indonesian nation in the middle of the modern century will be filled with challenges and obstacles. He said this while attending the graduation of 573 students of the Indonesian Defense University in Sentul, Bogor, Monday (12/2).

“The future of our nation in the midst of modern life, 21st century life is a future full of challenges, obstacles, and obstacles,” Prabowo said in front of him while attending the graduation ceremony of Unhan RI in Sentul, Bogor, Monday (12/2).

Nevertheless, Prabowo said there are still many opportunities and opportunities that are also available amid various tough challenges that will be faced in the future.

However, Prabowo underlined that based on the history of human civilization, only those who are able to work hard and smart can survive and excel from others.

“The history of human civilization teaches that those who will survive are those who work hard and smart, those who are disciplined and have a strong will,” Prabowo said.

In addition, continued Prabowo, humans who have a strong will to excel and are smart in innovating will also survive in the midst of the challenges of the times.

“This is the teaching of history. Only a nation that has such young people (makes) the nation superior,” he said.

On this basis, Prabowo claimed to be proud of the meritocratic tradition that grew in Unhan RI. Because the quality of people who work hard and smart is the standard of quality for students at Unhan RI.

Although so far, students who can receive education at Unhan RI do not look at social backgrounds, ranging from farming families, port workers, to meatball sellers in the market. However, superior quality standards continue to be maintained by Unhan RI.

“I ask that this tradition be maintained as hard as possible,” he said.

Prabowo further said, the requirements to become a Unhan RI student refer to the requirements at well-known campuses abroad. Such as Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), to Stanford University.

“Because the conditions you go through are quite high, I take the conditions from the best universities in the world, I take the conditions from Harvard, MIT, Stanford. So, you need to be proud,” he said.

Finally, Prabowo emphasized that so far Unhan RI has not received any form of recommendation from anyone for the admission of new students. According to him, all students were declared qualified based on their academic ability.

For information, today Unhan RI graduated 573 students consisting of 17 doctoral students, 273 students of the Faculty of Defense Strategy, 69 students of the Faculty of Defense Management; 82 students of the Faculty of National Security, 57 students of the Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, and 75 students of S1 Faculty of Military Medicine.


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