Propam Needs to Investigate Indications of SOP Violations in Vina Cirebon Case

Jakarta, Hilton News

The Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISSES) asked the West Java Regional Police Propam to intervene to investigate alleged violations of investigation in the Vina murder case in Cirebon, West Java, in 2016.

Police observer from ISSES Bambang Rukminto considered this necessary considering that the case has not been resolved after eight years have passed.

Bambang said the results of the examination conducted by the National Police Propam would later need to be submitted to answer public doubts that were increasingly raised.

“If there is an indication of SOP violations by investigators, Propam must also investigate it thoroughly and open it to the public whether or not public allegations are true,” he explained to, Tuesday (21/5).

On the other hand, Bambang considered public doubts in solving the case reasonable, because until now there has been no significant progress in the investigation from the West Java Regional Police. Also, the hunt for three perpetrators who are still at large and are on the Wanted List (DPO).

At the same time, a statement emerged from the convicted Vina case who claimed not to be involved and was intimidated by investigators in August 2016.

“The emergence of this statement and the arrest of 3 people declared DPO, as a result raises assumptions in the community that there are irregularities in the investigation process and investigation of the case,” said Bambang.

Therefore, Bambang encouraged the police, especially the West Java Regional Police to reveal the role of each perpetrator. Including the three figures who are still fugitives.

“That’s why the police must immediately release what the role of each suspect is, as well as the role of the suspect who is now the DPO,” he said.

Previously, West Java Police General Criminal Investigation Director Kombes Surawan said that until now his party was still hunting for three perpetrators allegedly involved in Vina’s murder in Cirebon in 2016.

Surawan emphasized that until now the West Java Regional Police had never stopped the case. He said his party would try to arrest the perpetrators as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency also intervened to deploy an assistance team to assist the West Java Regional Police in the search for three murder perpetrators who are still at large.

“The Directorate of Public Crime of the National Police Criminal Investigation also sent a team to assist the West Java Regional Police,” said Director of Public Crime of the National Police Criminal Investigation Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro when confirmed, Thursday (16/5).

Meanwhile, Komnas HAM said that it had received a report of alleged mistreatment by investigators against suspects in the murder case of lovers Vina and Eki in Cirebon.

Human Rights Enforcement Subcommission Coordinator Uli Parulian said the complaint was submitted by four convicts, namely Hadi Saputra, Suprianto, Eko Ramadani and Saka Tatal on September 13, 2016.

In his report, Uli said they claimed they were prevented from meeting with family and legal representatives by investigators. In addition, investigators are also said to have participated in torture and forced them to confess as perpetrators.

“The issues raised are allegations of obstruction of meeting with family and legal representatives, forced confession as perpetrators, and allegations of torture,” he explained in a written statement on Tuesday.

After receiving the report, Uli said Komnas HAM had asked for clarification to Irwasda Polda West Java through letter Number 0.131 / K / PMT / I / 2017 on January 20, 2017.

Uli said through the letter, Komnas HAM asked Irwasda Polda Jawa Barat to examine investigators suspected of torture and guarantee the rights of suspects in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Previously, one of the convicts in the murder case of Vina and Eky’s lovers in Cirebon, Saka Tatal, claimed to be the victim of a wrongful arrest by the police.

Saka claimed he never knew the two murder victims and said he wondered why police had dragged him into the case.

“With the victim I didn’t know, I was confused and scared at the time. Because I was forced to be beaten, kicked, electrocuted, told to do it,” he told reporters on Saturday (18/5).

Saka explained that his arrest took place on August 31, 2016, when he was 15 years old. He admitted that at that time he was asked for help by his uncle, Eka Sandi to fill up with gas on a motorcycle.

Eka is one of the perpetrators in the Vina and Eky murder case. When he was about to return the motorcycle, he said, there were a number of police officers at the scene and were securing several people, including his uncle.

Saka claimed that he was not given any explanation by the police and was immediately taken to the Cirebon City Police Office with others.

“The motorbike has not been given to my uncle, and he was immediately arrested. When I didn’t see any explanation, I was taken to the Cirebon City Police Station,” he said.


[Image:HN Video]

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