Thousands of Online Gambling Content Infiltrate Education & Government Sites

Jakarta, Hilton News

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi revealed that many government and educational institution sites were infiltrated by online gambling content. The number has even reached tens of thousands of content or cases identified.

“That in educational institutions there are 14,823 online gambling content infiltrating there and government institutions there are 17,001 findings of content infiltrating or phishing to government websites and educational institutions,” Budi said at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (22/5).

Online gambling content is also spread across several social media platforms. According to Budi, his party has given a reprimand to the platform, TikTok, Google, Meta regarding it.

Budi noted that for almost a month since the last meeting on online gambling, April 19 to May 21, 2024, the government has taken down 290,850 online gambling content.

“So a month is almost 300 thousand, a day 10 thousand online gambling content,” he said.

Budi also revealed that during the period from July 17, 2023 to May 21, 2024, the government had succeeded in taking down 1,904,246 online gambling content. In addition, the government also blocks e-wallet accounts affiliated with online gambling.

“The blocking of e-wallet accounts affiliated with online gambling has been 5,364 for accounts, and has been submitted to the OJK and 555 e-wallets submitted to Bank Indonesia,” he said.

Furthermore, Budi also announced that President Joko Widodo agreed to form a Task Force to eradicate online gambling in Indonesia.

The agreement was taken after Jokowi held an internal meeting with a number of Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Ministers today. The task force consists of cross-ministerial/institutional members who will be inaugurated this week.

“According to the direction of the President, an online gambling task force will be formed where the chairman is the Minister of Police, the head of the prevention sector is the Minister of Communication and Information, and the head of enforcement is the Chief of the National Police,” said Budi.


[Image:HN Video]

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