White House Knows Prabowo Well

Jakarta, Hilton News

A number of parties have congratulated the number two presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto for his superiority in the 2024 Presidential Election. One of them is the President of the United States (US), Joe Biden.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) analyst Greg Poling saw the congratulations as proof that the United States knows Prabowo well.

According to him, this step also clearly shows that the US prioritizes Indonesia as Uncle Sam’s partner in Southeast Asia.

“The White House knows Prabowo well. He has come to Washington several times, since a visit to the Pentagon in 2019,” Greg said in his statement, quoted Monday (18/3).

“The Biden administration is clearly prioritizing Indonesia, on par with Vietnam and the Philippines, as the top-tier U.S. partner for Southeast Asia,” he said.

In addition to congratulations, there were a number of points conveyed by Joe Biden through a letter forwarded to Prabowo through the United States Ambassador to ASEAN, Yohannes Abraham on Thursday (14/3). One of them is Biden’s spotlight on Prabowo’s role as Indonesian Defense Minister.

“Partnership with you as Indonesia’s Minister of Defense is critical to this effort. I look forward to strengthening our nation’s relationship even further as we continue to implement the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and explore new areas of cooperation,” Biden said.

Then, in a letter on official White House letterhead on (12/3), Biden also appreciated the closer relations between Indonesia and the US over the past 75 years.

“Together, we have also maintained international stability, including realizing a free, open, prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific future,” Biden said.

Moreover, Biden also offered prayers for Prabowo and hoped that Indonesia and the US could unite to achieve progress between the two countries and the world.

“Please take my best wishes, and may the coming years always be marked by peace, prosperity and progress for the peoples of our two countries,” Biden said.

For information, the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka candidate pair is still recorded with the highest number of votes in the real count version of the General Elections Commission (KPU) and quick count of various survey agencies.

One of them is CSIS which has completed its quick calculation on Friday (16/2). As a result, Prabowo-Gibran won 58.22 percent of the votes.

Furthermore, 58.18 percent of the votes were also seen from the quick count conducted by the Indonesian Political Indicator institution. While the Kawalpemilu version, Prabowo-Gibran won 58.84 percent of the votes.

The unstoppable support for Prabowo-Gibran is also evident from the results of the KPU calculation. Until now, the KPU has conducted a national recapitulation in 29 provinces and will continue until March 20, 2024. Of these, Prabowo-Gibran excelled in 27 provinces.


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