Gibran’s Casual Discussion Accompanied by 2 Cats at Prabowo’s Residence

Jakarta, Hilton News

Vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming visited presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto at his residence in South Jakarta on Friday (23/2).

Gibran arrived at Prabowo’s house at around 5:10 p.m. Dressed casual in a plaid shirt, he waited about 30 minutes before the owner arrived from work.

“Hi, sorry for being late, Mas,” Prabowo said while shaking Gibran’s hand.

Gibran then took Prabowo’s hand and shook it with a slight bow.

“Monggo,” Prabowo said, directing Gibran towards the study.

The Prabowo-Gibran meeting lasted for more than 1 hour, with a light and relaxed chat. The discussion between the two was accompanied by two cats who were busy eating.

At around 6.33 pm, Prabowo escorted Gibran out of the house, before the two again greeted each other.

The arrival and chat with Gibran was uploaded by Prabowo to his personal Instagram account on Saturday (24/2), writing a photo caption, “Happy weekend!”. The post was then responded by netizens who highlighted Prabowo’s two cats.


[Image:HN Video]

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