DKPP Will Call KPU Secretary General in Trial of Alleged Immorality Case of KPU Chairman

Jakarta, Hilton News

The Honorary Board of Election Organizers (DKPP) will summon KPU Secretary General Bernad Dermawan and his staff in a hearing on alleged violations of the code of ethics alleged immorality of KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari to seduce the next PPLN member.

DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito said the call was due to related parties KPU RI Commissioner Betty Epsilon Idroos not being present and only giving written statements in the first session.

“We call the secretary-general’s staff and include the secretary-general. Because they only gave written statements so we could not confirm it,” said Heddy at the DKPP RI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (22/5) night.

On the other hand, Heddy also confirmed that another related party, Deddy Mahendra Desta, was also not present in person at this hearing.

He said that Desta’s presence was represented by NET TV Editor-in-Chief Dede Apriadi as the person in charge.

“So it’s not us (calling), it’s at the initiative of the red, yes later because if we call the red, right, it’s not allowed. It was on his initiative,” Heddy explained.

The reason for calling Desta and Betty

Lawyer from the Complainant, Aristo Pangaribu revealed the reason why DKPP summoned the related parties, in this case, Desta and Betty.

“The keywords are related and it has to do with abuse. In essence, they are indeed related and it has something to do with the misuse of office facilities,” Aristo said at the DKPP RI Building on Wednesday.

Aristo did not elaborate on why they were called as related parties. He reasoned that the content of this trial material could not be disclosed to the public.

“I can’t be more specific about that. Why is it called,” he said.

This hearing was held behind closed doors in the main courtroom of DKPP, Central Jakarta. The trial ran for about 7 hours.

After the hearing, Hashim also denied all the points of the complaint submitted. He claimed that the entire subject matter of the complaint did not match the facts.

The alleged immoral acts began with a report filed by the Legal Aid Consultation Institute of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (LKBH FHUI) and LBH Apik on Thursday (18/4).

“We reported the Chairman of the KPU to the DKPP for violations of ethics, integrity and professionalism allegedly involving his actions in fostering a personal, romantic relationship with a PPLN abroad,” explained the victim’s lawyer, Aristo Pangaribu at DKPP.

Aristo explained some of the evidence attached to the report, namely evidence of conversations to photographs.

Aristo explained that Hashim made efforts to approach victims from August 2023 to March 2024. The two had met in Indonesia and abroad.

He said Hasyim tried actively to approach the PPLN officer even though he was separated by distance.

Aristo said the PPLN officer decided to resign before the 2024 elections because he felt aggrieved.


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