Surabaya, Hilton News —
East Java Police investigators claimed to be investigating the psychiatric condition of Adi (28) aka AP, a suspect of terror and harassment to his junior high school friend for 10 years, NRSS (27).
Head of Sub-Directorate V Cyber Ditreskrimsus Polda Jatim AKBP Charles P Tampubolon said he had asked a psychologist to make observations on Adi.
“Until now we have invited psychologists, in this case to make observations to the perpetrators,” Charles said at the East Java Regional Police Office, Tuesday (21/5).
This is necessary because Adi is said to have not regretted his actions until now. Although he had already realized his mistake.
“That the person concerned until now realizes the mistake but does not regret it,” he said.
This psychiatric examination, he said, was also needed because based on the results of the examination on the perpetrator’s cellphone, Adi was suspected of editing or fabricating the victim’s photos to be vulgar and pornographic.
“And there are photos that we found from the perpetrator’s mobile phone, edited photos of the victim that were edited vulgarly. So the face of the head from above is a photo of the victim with the initials N, below which is a photo containing pornography,” he said.
Moreover, acts of terror were not only committed by Adi to NRSS. But also to two other friends of the victim.
Adi’s other crime is that he allegedly created more than 420 social media accounts that he used to send messages and terror continuously to victims.
Adi also sent photos of his penis several times and verbally abused the victim. Not to mention the terror carried out by the suspect by going directly to the victim’s house. It was done several times over the years.
For his actions, Adi is threatened with bondage under Article 45 paragraph 1 juncto Article 27 paragraph 1 and Article 45 letter B juncto Article 29 paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions.
“The penalty is six years in prison and/or a fine of IDR 1 billion,” concluded Charles.
[Image:HN Video]